Boosting Nutrition for Mothers and Children: A Vital Step Toward Reducing Global Child Mortality

With almost half of the annual global child mortality rates attributed to malnutrition, the spotlight shines on a pervasive yet solvable crisis in maternal and child nutrition. In 2021 alone, 4.7 million children under the age of five lost their lives, with approximately 2.4 million of these deaths directly related to nutritional deficiencies. Malnutrition emerges … Read more

America’s Silent Epidemic: How Lack of Nutrition Education in Medical Schools Contributes to Diet-Related Deaths

Despite diet-related illnesses ranking as the leading cause of mortality in the United States, a significant number of physicians graduate from medical schools with minimal or no training in nutrition. This educational gap is startling, considering the critical role diet plays in preventing and managing diseases ranging from diabetes to heart conditions. Many medical experts … Read more