Cosmetic Surgery Deaths Among U.S. Citizens in Dominican Republic Spark Public Health Concerns

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – A recent study revealed alarming statistics regarding U.S. citizens receiving cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic. Over the span of 13 years, a total of 93 Americans died after undergoing cosmetic procedures in the country. The study, which focused on the years 2009 to 2022, found that most of the deceased were young to middle-aged women, with 18 out of 20 fatalities in 2019-2020 attributed to embolic phenomena.

The findings underscore the risks associated with cosmetic surgery, particularly procedures involving fat injections like liposuction and gluteal fat transfer. Fat embolism, a known risk of such procedures, can have dire consequences if not properly handled. The study also identified various risk factors for venous thromboembolism, such as elevated BMI, age over 40, procedures on the trunk, and multiple procedures during a single operation.

In response to the concerning data, public health departments in the Dominican Republic issued safety and quality recommendations for cosmetic surgeons. These included training and licensure requirements, preoperative evaluations for patients, and limitations on the number of procedures during a single operation. The Ministry of Health also implemented monitoring visits to facilities offering cosmetic surgery and established infection control committees for high-volume centers.

As a result of the investigation, the U.S. State Department updated its advisory on Medical Tourism and Elective Surgery for the Dominican Republic. The advisory now includes recommendations for U.S. citizens considering cosmetic surgery abroad, such as obtaining international travel insurance for medical evacuation back to the United States. Additionally, individuals are advised to consult with their healthcare providers and travel medicine specialists before undergoing surgery, taking necessary precautions to reduce potential risks.

Overall, the study highlights the importance of thorough risk assessments and careful consideration of patient and operative factors before proceeding with elective cosmetic surgery. By raising awareness of the potential dangers and implementing safety guidelines, both patients and medical professionals can work together to ensure a safer and more informed approach to cosmetic procedures.