Custody Battle Continues Four Years After Shooting of Brittany Thuney’s Daughter

KELSO, Wash. – A father is still fighting for custody of his granddaughter four years after the tragic death of his daughter, Brittany Thuney. Thuney was fatally shot at a Kelso gas station in a heartbreaking incident that left her family shattered.

Joe Thuney recently held a vigil at the Arco gas station where his daughter took her last breaths. The memories of that fateful day remain fresh in his mind as he continues to pursue justice for Brittany and custody of her young daughter.

Brittany Thuney’s life was cut short when she was ambushed by her ex’s father, Scott Belenski, while dropping off her seven-year-old daughter. Despite being shot, Brittany managed to drive to the gas station where she made a final call to her father, revealing the identity of her attacker and urging him to come quickly.

Tragically, Belenski arrived at the gas station and fired several more shots at Brittany before taking his own life. In her final moments, Brittany’s concern was for her daughter’s safety, pleading with her father to protect her.

Since that horrific day, Joe Thuney has been unwavering in his determination to honor Brittany’s dying wish by seeking custody of his granddaughter. However, legal challenges and complexities have made the process difficult for Thuney and other relatives in similar situations.

In a bid for change, Thuney and advocates are pushing for reforms in Washington state laws to prioritize the rights and well-being of children in such custody battles. Despite facing obstacles and setbacks, Thuney remains steadfast in his pursuit of justice and the protection of his granddaughter’s best interests.