Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Joe Biden, once hailed as the Democrats’ savior, is now facing a revolt from his base. A staggering majority of Democrat-leaning voters are now second-guessing their choice, primarily due to concerns about his age. At 80, Biden is the oldest president in American history. If re-elected, he’d be a staggering 86 by the time he left office. It’s no wonder most Democrats are now questioning whether he’s fit for a second term.
Janet Rodriguez, a Democratic voter from Seattle, lamented, “I think Biden is too old. We need someone younger in the office. I wish we had someone different like California Gov. Gavin Newsom.” Oh, the irony! After all, wasn’t it the Democrats who championed Biden as the perfect antidote to Trump?
Speaking of Newsom, he’s already declared he wouldn’t run for president if Biden chose to run again. Perhaps he’s seen the writing on the wall?
Robert Wildermuth, another disillusioned Democrat from San Diego, felt deceived by Biden’s 2020 campaign. “In 2020, we were also voting for Vice President Kamala Harris since there’s a high chance she’ll have to succeed him due to Biden’s age,” he said. But where is Harris now? Conveniently out of the spotlight, perhaps to avoid reminding people of the looming possibility of her taking over.
Jon Caldara, president of the Independence Institute, didn’t mince words. “We all should be concerned about Biden’s age. This man is the leader of the free world, and he is dealing with deteriorating mental acuity and possible dementia,” Caldara said. He added, “The person in the number two spot is just as scary. No one wants to see [Ms. Harris] as president. She is as unpopular as Hillary Clinton.”
Caldara believes that Trump could easily win the general election against Biden. “The Democrats have a ridiculous problem, and it’s delightful to see. Their strategy could backfire on them,” he quipped.
Despite the bleak outlook, some die-hard Democrats still cling to hope. Matt Angle, a Democratic strategist, said, “Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee, and he will defeat Donald Trump by a wider margin than in 2020.” Oh, the delusion!
Tiffany Lord, a Biden supporter from Phoenix, echoed this sentiment, saying, “Is he old? Yes, but he is the only one to bring the [Democratic] party together and beat Donald Trump.” It’s almost touching to see such blind faith.
But let’s not forget Trump’s place in history. While Biden is the oldest sitting president, Trump is the only former president to face criminal charges. Yet, Ms. Lord dismissively said, “Trump has more baggage than Biden does. I don’t care about Hunter Biden’s problems but about Biden beating Trump.”
As for third-party options, Angela McArdle, Chair of the Libertarian National Committee, noted, “Even Democrats are finally admitting the emperor wears no clothes. President Biden’s dwindling support is encouraging.” She believes that younger voters might start giving third parties serious consideration as baby boomers fade from the political scene.
One potential third-party candidate making waves is Sen. Joe Manchin. He’s been tight-lipped about his plans but recently criticized both major parties, saying, “I think the people have spoken. They’re not happy with the two choices.”