Dog Attack Leaves Newmarket Resident Desperate for Stronger Enforcement After Dangerous Encounter

Toronto, Ontario – A resident in Newmarket, Ontario, is pushing for more action after a chilling incident where a neighboring dog allegedly hopped a fence, resulting in severe injuries to his own beloved pet. The incident, which occurred on Canada Day, left Stephen Burnley and his partner in shock as they witnessed their dog, Rex, being attacked by a pit bull mix that had entered their backyard unexpectedly. Burnley and his partner sustained bites while trying to separate the dogs during the violent encounter.

The ferocious attack left Rex with significant injuries, with the neighbour’s dog reportedly grabbing him by the throat. Burnley, who also suffered injuries and required hospitalization and stitches, expressed his frustration with the laws and enforcement surrounding such violent dog attacks. The aftermath of the incident has led the Burnley family on a months-long journey filled with skepticism and concerns about the legal system’s ability to address such incidents effectively.

Following the attack, the Town of Newmarket’s animal services issued a dangerous dog order, requiring the offending dog to be tethered in the backyard. However, Burnley claims that his neighbour repeatedly violated the order, raising questions about the efficacy of enforcement measures in place. Despite Burnley’s efforts to escalate the matter to the provincial legislation under the Dog Owners’ Liability Act, he faced challenges due to the perceived lack of a strong case without a second occurrence of the dog attacking.

While the Dog Owners’ Liability Act holds owners accountable for their dogs’ actions, including the option to destroy a dog deemed dangerous, Burnley believes that the focus should be on preventing the owner from owning dogs rather than destroying the animal. Recent adjustments to the Act by the Ford government have stirred debates around breed-specific regulations and the seizure of animals for public safety.

As Burnley continues to advocate for stricter enforcement measures and greater accountability for dog owners, the community of Newmarket remains no stranger to vicious dog attacks. Past incidents involving serious injuries to children and pet owners have sparked discussions about the need for expedited legal proceedings and cost-recovery mechanisms to address such incidents effectively. Despite the challenges faced, Burnley remains determined to raise awareness about the pressing issue of dog attacks and the imperative need for change in enforcement strategies.

In his passionate plea for action, Burnley emphasizes the role of responsible ownership in preventing such incidents, attributing the root cause to the behavior of owners rather than the dogs themselves. His relentless pursuit for justice highlights the urgent need for comprehensive reforms in legislation and enforcement practices to safeguard communities from the devastating impact of dog attacks.