Elderly California Woman Victim of Murder-for-Hire and Scam Scheme: Four Arrested

Montecito, California – Local authorities uncovered a disturbing case involving the murder-for-hire of a 96-year-old woman, Violet Evelyn Alberts, in her own home in May 2022. The investigation revealed an elaborate scam orchestrated to gain control of Alberts’ property. Four individuals have been arrested in connection with the crime, shedding light on the intricate web of deceit and financial exploitation surrounding the victim.

Sheriff Bill Brown of Santa Barbara County described the victim as a cherished figure in the Montecito community, known for her warm demeanor and social nature. Alberts’ death was initially shrouded in mystery until detectives unraveled a scheme that targeted her vulnerable financial situation. The case took a sinister turn when it was discovered that Alberts had become a target of a murder-for-hire plot, orchestrated by one of the suspects, Pauline Macareno.

According to authorities, Macareno, along with accomplices Ricardo MartinDelCampo, Henry Rostomyan, and Harry Basmadjian, plotted to manipulate and deceive Alberts for financial gain. The suspects went as far as forging documents and establishing fraudulent entities to carry out their plan. The discovery of surveillance footage and forensic analysis of the crime scene led to the arrests of the individuals involved in the murder plot.

Alberts, who had plans to celebrate her upcoming birthday by baking fresh cookies, fell victim to a heinous crime that exploited her financial distress. The case serves as a harrowing reminder of the vulnerability of elderly individuals to financial exploitation. In 2022 alone, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported a staggering increase in complaints from older adults, with California being among the states with the highest number of victims.

As investigations continue, authorities aim to bring justice to the perpetrators of this callous crime. The arrests made in connection with Alberts’ murder highlight the importance of protecting vulnerable individuals from financial fraud and exploitation. The community of Montecito mourns the loss of a beloved member, while the suspects face the consequences of their actions in the criminal justice system.