Explosion at Mill Park NYE celebration injures 15 and leaves 8 with serious burns

NEW YORK (AP) — An explosion at Mill Park has resulted in injuries for 15 people and serious burns for eight individuals following a New Year’s Eve celebration. The incident occurred during a pyrotechnic display, prompting chaos and panic among attendees.

The explosion took place at a popular park in the heart of New York City, where crowds had gathered to ring in the new year. Emergency response teams rushed to the scene to provide medical assistance to those injured in the blast. The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation, and authorities are working to ensure the safety and security of the area.

Eyewitnesses at the scene described the horror of the explosion, with many people fleeing in fear and confusion. The injured individuals were quickly transported to nearby hospitals for treatment, where they are currently receiving care for their burns and other injuries sustained during the incident.

The New Year’s Eve celebration at Mill Park turned tragic as a result of the unexpected explosion, leaving many in shock and disbelief. As the investigation unfolds, authorities are urging the public to avoid speculating about the cause of the blast and to allow law enforcement officials to conduct a thorough and comprehensive inquiry.

In total, 15 people were injured, and eight individuals suffered serious burns as a result of the explosion at Mill Park. The incident has raised concerns about public safety and the use of pyrotechnics in crowded spaces, prompting authorities to reassess regulations and protocols for future events.