Fires Claim Lives in Estonia Due to Indoor Smoking and Alcohol, Prevention Efforts Ineffective

Tallinn, Estonia – The beginning of the year has brought a concerning rise in fire-related fatalities in Estonia. According to Janika Usin, head of the prevention department at the Rescue Board, the spike in deaths can be largely attributed to indoor smoking and alcohol consumption. Usin shared these insights on Vikerraadio’s morning show, shedding light on the factors contributing to the tragic trend.

While explaining the profile of individuals most at risk of perishing in house fires, Usin noted a consistent pattern. Typically, the victims are older, often living alone, and may have disabilities. Alcohol plays a significant role in many cases, and a lack of functional smoke detectors in the homes exacerbates the danger, especially when combined with indoor smoking. Usin emphasized that gender no longer plays a significant role in fire fatalities, as it used to be more common among men in the past.

Another major cause of fatal fires highlighted by Usin is the careless use of open flames, particularly candles, within the home. This, combined with the removal of smoke detectors to accommodate indoor smoking, has led to a devastating increase in fire-related deaths in the country. Despite efforts to provide assistance and education on fire prevention, some individuals continue to disregard safety measures, increasing their vulnerability to such tragedies.

In the first two months of this year alone, 18 people have lost their lives in fires in Estonia, with half of these incidents attributed to careless smoking practices. Usin pointed out a troubling trend where smoke detectors, crucial for early detection and warning, are often missing or non-functional in homes where smoking is prevalent. This oversight significantly heightens the risk of fire-related casualties.

Looking back at historical data, the country has seen fluctuations in fire-related fatalities over the years. While efforts have been made to improve safety measures and provide support for necessary repairs in homes, the reluctance of some individuals to accept help remains a significant challenge. As Estonia grapples with the devastating impact of fires on its communities, the importance of fire prevention measures and education becomes more critical than ever in safeguarding lives and properties.