Houston SPCA Rescues Malnourished Horses from Sunnyside Property Ahead of Winter Freeze

Houston, Texas – The Houston SPCA rescued several injured and malnourished horses from a property in Sunnyside just days before an expected winter freeze in the area. The rescue came after a cruelty report was received from a community member who spotted eight horses in a debris-filled field on Scott Street between Reed and Airport. The horses appeared to have been suffering for quite some time, according to SPCA representatives.

Julie Kuenstle, Houston SPCA vice president of communications, stated that the rescued horses were found with severe eye injuries, open wounds, arthritis, and signs of starvation. The team spent the afternoon loading and transporting the horses to their rehabilitation center, where they underwent examinations and were put on a refeeding program. The neglected and starving horses were removed from the property by order of Precinct 1, and the SPCA is now in the process of seeking full custody of the animals.

Kuenstle emphasized that animal cruelty is a felony, and there is an ongoing investigation into the case. The SPCA urges the public to report animal cruelty and provides a hotline number and website for assistance. The suffering of the horses serves as a reminder of the importance of reporting and addressing cases of animal neglect and abuse in the community.

The Houston SPCA rescued several horses in poor condition from a property in Sunnyside before an expected winter freeze. The neglected animals were found with severe injuries and signs of starvation, leading to an ongoing investigation into the case of animal cruelty. The organization urges the public to report instances of animal neglect and abuse, emphasizing the importance of addressing such issues in the community.