PERRY, Iowa – A man in Iowa is using running as a way to send a message of support to the community of Perry. Rik Zortman, who refers to himself as a “Human Etch-A-Sketch,” uses a GPS tracker to spell out names, primarily of children battling cancer. His mission began with his son’s name, Armstrong, who passed away in 2009. Since then, he has traced over 3,500 names, including those affected by the recent tragedy in Perry.

On a cold day in Perry, Zortman ran for those who were injured or killed in the school shooting, including 11-year-old Ahmir Jolliff who was laid to rest that day. He spent the day running through the streets of Perry, covering a distance of more than 15 miles. Zortman’s approach is not about speed but rather about accurately spelling out the names using the GPS tracker.

His mission is not only a way to honor those affected by cancer and tragic events, but it also serves as a form of support and solidarity for the community. Zortman’s dedication to his cause and his willingness to honor the memory of others through his runs sends a powerful and empathetic message.

Zortman’s act of running to spell out the names of those affected by cancer and tragedy demonstrates a unique way of showing support and compassion. His efforts to honor and remember those who have passed away or been affected by illness or violence is a reflection of the resilience and empathy within communities like Perry. Through his runs, Zortman brings attention to the individuals behind the names, reminding others of the personal stories and the impact of these events. His mission continues to inspire and uplift those who are facing similar challenges, bringing a sense of unity and hope.

In summary, Rik Zortman’s “Human Etch-A-Sketch” mission involves using a GPS tracker to spell out names, primarily of children fighting cancer, and those affected by tragic events. His recent run in Perry, Iowa, was a demonstration of support and remembrance for those impacted by the school shooting. Through his unique approach, Zortman aims to show solidarity and compassion, bringing attention to the personal stories behind the names. His dedication serves as a source of inspiration and empathy for communities facing similar challenges.