Ingraham High School Teen Pleads Guilty to 2022 Murder: Sentenced to Juvenile Rehab for Four Years

Seattle, WA – A teenager pleaded guilty to three felony charges related to the 2022 shooting death of a student at Ingraham High School. The unnamed teenager, who was 14 at the time of the incident, received a sentence that will keep him in a Juvenile Rehabilitation facility until his 21st birthday. The shooting occurred on November 8, 2022, leading to the tragic loss of a 17-year-old student’s life.

Prosecutors in King County charged the teenager with first-degree murder, first-degree assault, and second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm. The agreed-upon sentence will see the teenager under custody until the age of 21, with a subsequent period of parole supervision until he turns 23. The events unfolded inside a bathroom at Ingraham High School, where a physical altercation between the two students escalated into a fatal shooting.

Following the shooting, the perpetrator was swiftly apprehended by the Seattle Police. Court documents revealed that the victim sustained multiple gunshot wounds to the back. Tragically, the victim succumbed to the injuries while receiving medical treatment at the hospital. The severity of the charges prompted authorities to pursue a sentence above standard juvenile court guidelines.

In a separate development, another teenager involved in the incident previously pleaded guilty to charges of second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm and first-degree rendering criminal assistance. This individual, who was 15 at the time of the shooting, received a sentence that included detention, community service, and a period of community supervision. The court documents revealed that this teenager had concealed the firearm used in the shooting in his backpack.

The repercussions of this tragic event continue to reverberate within the school community and the wider Seattle area. The legal proceedings and consequences for the individuals involved served as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of gun violence in educational settings. The community remains vigilant in advocating for measures that ensure the safety and well-being of students in schools across the region.