Inhumane Animal Testing Rampant Across Household Products and Beauty Industry

NEW YORK (AP) — Controversy surrounds the topic of animal testing, with many questioning the ethical justification behind it. Major companies such as Mr. Clean, Johnson & Johnson, L’Oreal, and others have been known to conduct or allow animal testing before their products hit the market.

The Animal Welfare Act, enforced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, aims to protect the safety and well-being of certain animals used in testing, but it does not cover all animals. While there have been improvements, some animals like mice and rats remain unprotected and are frequently used for testing.

There are arguments that animal testing is necessary for medical research, but the effectiveness and ethical implications of such studies remain in question. According to Faunalytics, a nonprofit advocating for animals, the federal government spends almost $15 billion per year on animal testing, with only 10% of the research benefiting humans.

The debate on animal testing continues, with ethical and scientific concerns at the forefront of the discussion. While some believe it is necessary for certain research, others argue that the harm inflicted on animals outweighs the benefits. As the conversation surrounding animal testing evolves, it remains a complex and contentious issue with no easy resolution.