Romani Holocaust Survivor Shares Family’s Story of Persecution by Nazis

Berlin, Germany – Carmen Spitta is determined to ensure that the history of her family and the Romani people during the Nazi era is not forgotten. As the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, Spitta feels a heavy burden to pass on their story to the younger generation.

When the Nazis rose to power in Germany, their persecution and racism were primarily aimed at Jewish people. However, many other groups, including the Romani people, also faced brutal persecution. Around 500,000 European Romani did not survive the Nazi era, with many of them being deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. The fate of Spitta’s relatives, who were among those victims, serves as a constant reminder of the atrocities committed during that dark period in history.

Spitta’s determination to share her family’s story led her to speak out and highlight the plight of the Romani people during the Holocaust. She hopes that by keeping their memory alive, future generations will learn about the horrors of the past and work to prevent such atrocities from happening again.

On Jan. 27, 2024, a documentary shedding light on the experiences of the Romani people during the Holocaust will be broadcasted on DW English. The documentary aims to bring attention to the lesser-known stories of the Romani victims and educate the public about the extent of the Nazi regime’s atrocities.

The broadcast aims to reach a global audience and spread awareness about the historical injustices faced by the Romani people. Spitta’s efforts to preserve her family’s history and advocate for broader recognition of the Romani victims’ suffering demonstrate the importance of acknowledging and learning from the past to build a more just and inclusive future.