On Monday, a very emotional MSNBC “Morning Joe” Joe Scarborough conveyed a tirade coordinated at Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other Democratic pioneers to pass Roe v. Wade and orchestrate it into regulation.
In the wake of featuring how the leaked draft U.S. High Court administering overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade had something very similar “constitutional foundation” as interracial marriage and contraceptive rights, Scarborough proposed Schumer get a “bipartisan vote” rather than attempting to “get the whole loaf.”
“My main question is, returning to Schumer, how about you get a bipartisan vote?” Scarborough asked.
Democrats don’t have any idea. They don’t have any idea, he added. Along these lines, you can’t get 100 percent of what you need. You can’t get 80% of what you need. Perhaps get 60% of what you need to say, ‘We have a bipartisan bill.’ Right? It’s like the discretionary count act, which frantically should be passed. Popularity-based pioneers — ‘No, we won’t cause we can’t get the entire portion.”
At that point, Scarborough approached Democratic authority to “awaken” and take the successes you can get.
It’s time these individuals wake up, he announced. Take the successes you can get, and assuming you have a bipartisan bill on abortion rights, you take it, regardless of whether it is 60% of what you need since then you can say, ‘We have a bipartisan gathering of congresspersons, a more significant part, a bipartisan larger part saying that what the Supreme Court is thinking about doing is off-base.
That is a strong message that I don’t think the Democrats know how to get to.