Transformer explosion at Lenox Hotel in Boston leads to evacuation of 90 rooms

BOSTON – An explosion at the Lenox Hotel in Boston led to the evacuation of guests and the investigation of the cause of the incident. The explosion occurred outside at the back corner of the hotel, prompting authorities to respond and Eversource crews to work on the scene. There was no fire, but the explosion caused smoke and carbon monoxide to spread throughout the hotel, resulting in the evacuation of approximately 90 rooms.

The explosion originated from a transformer vault in the back of the building, which short-circuited and exploded. Firefighters quickly responded to the scene, calling for a second alarm to evacuate the hotel and ventilate the building. Fortunately, no one was hurt during the explosion, and the hotel was eventually given the all-clear to resume operations.

Guests were temporarily relocated to other hotels while crews worked to resolve the issue. Power to the hotel was turned off, but was later restored and the hotel was back in business. While some guests may have been inconvenienced, others are leaving with an extra memorable experience. The Lenox Hotel is hoping to welcome back guests and resume normal operations soon.

As the investigation continues, authorities are focusing on determining the cause of the transformer explosion. Eversource crews are working to address the issue and prevent future incidents. The safety and well-being of the guests and staff are of utmost importance, prompting thorough investigations and safety inspections.

Overall, the Lenox Hotel is grateful that no one was injured and is working diligently to address the situation. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of routine maintenance and safety protocols to prevent such incidents in the future. As the hotel returns to normal operations, guests can expect increased safety measures to ensure their peace of mind.