Vicious Attack by Michael Bracey Shocks Northland Campsite

Whangārei, New Zealand – A man, Michael Bracey, has been sentenced to eight years in prison for a brutal attack on his ex-girlfriend’s new partner at a campsite in Northland. The judge delivered a scathing rebuke, emphasizing that women are not possessions and condemning Bracey’s violent actions.

Bracey, 50, was found guilty earlier this year of wounding with intent to injure and possession of an offensive weapon in connection to the attack in November 2021. The court heard that Bracey’s relationship with Maia Pehi-Hannah had ended, but he struggled to accept it, leading to multiple confrontations between them.

In a disturbing turn of events, Bracey discovered that Pehi-Hannah had started a new relationship with Ricky Addison and planned a camping trip with him. Bracey, armed with a hammer and a knife, dressed in dark clothing and made his way to the campsite in the middle of the night.

During the attack, Bracey assaulted Addison, leaving him with severe injuries. Emergency services were called to the scene, highlighting the violent nature of the incident. Judge Tomlinson condemned Bracey’s actions, emphasizing the premeditated and aggressive nature of the attack.

Pehi-Hannah, in her victim impact statement, described the lasting psychological effects of the assault, expressing feelings of constant fear and anxiety. Judge Tomlinson also highlighted the concerning rate of domestic violence-related homicides in New Zealand, underscoring the seriousness of Bracey’s actions.

Overall, the case sheds light on the devastating impact of domestic violence and the importance of holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. The sentence serves as a reminder of the need to address issues of violence and control in relationships.