Victim Raises Over $84,000 for Medical Expenses After Brutal Assault on Venice Canals

Venice, California – A brutal attack on two women near the Venice Canals has sparked a wave of support, with a friend of one of the victims launching a successful GoFundMe campaign to cover medical expenses and provide emotional and physical care.

The fundraising initiative, started by Kathleen Butler, quickly surpassed its $75,000 goal, raising over $84,000 from approximately 1,200 donors. The victim, a 54-year-old single mother who also serves as a caregiver to an elderly woman with ALS, suffered severe injuries during the assault.

According to the campaign, the victim sustained at least eight fractures to her jaw, a large laceration to the back of her head, and had several teeth knocked out. She is expected to undergo multiple surgeries and has had her jaw wired shut for at least a month. In addition to physical care, she will likely require extensive mental health support.

Following the attack, the suspect, identified as Anthony Jones, 29, was apprehended in San Diego and later charged in Los Angeles. The community response through the GoFundMe page has been instrumental in providing much-needed assistance to the victim during this challenging time.

The outpouring of support highlights the resilience and compassion within the Venice community, rallying behind a neighbor in need. The success of the fundraising campaign demonstrates the power of collective action in times of crisis, offering hope and healing to those affected by senseless acts of violence.

As the victim continues on her path to recovery, the generosity shown by donors serves as a beacon of solidarity and empathy, showing that even in the face of tragedy, kindness and compassion prevail. The strength of community support has been instrumental in aiding the victim’s journey towards healing and justice.