Alive vs Society of the Snow: Contrasting Portrayals of Andes Flight Disaster

Bogotá, Colombia – The 1972 Andes flight disaster has been portrayed in two different films, “Society of the Snow” and “Alive”, which were released 30 years apart. Both movies depict the tragic event in unique ways, highlighting the 12 biggest differences between them.

One noticeable difference between the two portrayals is the time frame in which the story is set. “Society of the Snow” takes place in the 1970s, while “Alive” is set in the 1990s. This difference in time period impacts the cultural references, technology, and overall atmosphere portrayed in the films.

Another key difference is the focus on different aspects of the survivors’ experiences. “Society of the Snow” delves into the emotional and psychological impact of the disaster, while “Alive” emphasizes the physical challenges and survival instincts of the passengers.

Furthermore, the character development in each film varies significantly. “Society of the Snow” provides more in-depth character studies, while “Alive” focuses on the collective experience of the group as a whole.

The cinematography and visual effects also differ between the two movies. “Society of the Snow” uses a more traditional filming style, while “Alive” incorporates more modern techniques and special effects to recreate the harrowing events.

Overall, the two films offer unique perspectives on the Andes flight disaster, with each highlighting different aspects of the survivors’ experiences. The time frame, focus on survivor experiences, character development, and visual presentation are just some of the key differences between “Society of the Snow” and “Alive”.

In conclusion, the 12 biggest differences between the two portrayals of the Andes flight disaster, as depicted in “Society of the Snow” and “Alive,” offer viewers contrasting perspectives on the tragic event. These differences in time frame, focus on survivor experiences, character development, and visual presentation contribute to the distinct narrative approaches taken by each film.