Assault in Floriana: Teen Brutally Attacked by Group of Boys and Girls

Floriana, Malta – A quiet evening in Floriana turned into a nightmare for a 16-year-old boy who became the victim of a brutal attack in a public garden near City Gate on February 3. The attackers, a group of one boy and five girls aged 14 to 20, not only physically assaulted the victim but also escalated the violence to aggravated theft, leaving the victim with severe injuries.

The details of the assault, revealed in court, painted a vivid picture of the ordeal. The victim was not only beaten but also stabbed with a penknife, resulting in cut ligaments in his hands. This led to his urgent transfer to Mater Dei Hospital, where he grappled with the physical and emotional scars of the encounter. The accused, led by 20-year-old Aicha Mariah from Paola, entered pleas of not guilty to the charges of aggravated theft, unlawful possession of a penknife, and relapsing.

The gravity of the accusations and the potential for evidence tampering prompted Madam Justice Consuelo Scerri Herrera to take swift action. An urgent application by the attorney general’s office resulted in the imposition of a supervision order on the defendants. Mariah also faced a €500 bail deposit requirement, along with a litany of restrictions on the defendants’ movements, including a curfew, a weekly sign-in at the bail book, and a stern order not to approach the victim.

This episode has sparked discussions in the Floriana community about youth violence and the mechanisms of justice. The court’s decision to impose stricter bail conditions reflects an attempt to safeguard the legal process and send a clear message about taking such incidents seriously. The delicate balance between rehabilitation and punishment for young offenders remains a key point of consideration.

As the victim begins his road to recovery, the legal process unfolds against those accused of disturbing the peace in Floriana. The events near City Gate serve as a harrowing testament to the unpredictability of violence and the unyielding quest for justice. The community watches on, and the aftermath of that fateful night continues to unfold, shaping the narrative of justice and the consequences of unchecked aggression.