Covenant Chancellor to Determine Release of Shooter’s Writings in Public Battle

Nashville, Tennessee – The decision whether to make public the writings of the Covenant School shooter, Audrey Hale, remains in the hands of Chancellor l’Ashea Myles. The Metro Nashville Police Department is currently conducting an investigation into the deadly shooting incident at the school.

Metro Legal officials have cited Rule 16 as a reason for denying public records requests, as it pertains to an ongoing criminal investigation. However, those pushing for the release of the shooter’s journals argue that the lack of pending criminal charges should not prevent the disclosure of this information.

The potential value in utilizing the shooter’s writings to prevent similar tragedies from occurring is a point of contention in the ongoing legal battle. It is believed that insights from the journals could potentially help in understanding and preventing such violent acts in the future.

In response to the mounting pressure, Metro Legal revealed plans to review the shooter’s journals and potentially release a redacted version by July after the completion of their investigation. This decision has faced opposition from attorneys representing The Covenant School and The Covenant Church, who argue that the security and safety exemptions should shield the investigative file from public view.

A federal lawsuit filed by The Tennessee Star against the FBI has also brought attention to the matter, with a federal judge ordering the FBI to submit the shooter’s writings for review. This judicial oversight will determine whether the contents should be made public or not.

The ongoing debate surrounding the release of the shooter’s writings has garnered significant attention, with various parties, including the school community and legal representatives, presenting their arguments. The decision-making process rests with Chancellor l’Ashea Myles, whose ruling on the matter is eagerly awaited. The hearing regarding this case is scheduled to take place on Wednesday morning.