Colorado Springs, Colorado – A chilling tale of roommate conflict turned deadly unfolds as Nicholas Jordan, a 25-year-old, faces charges for the murder of his roommate, Samuel Knopp, 24, and Celie Rain Montgomery, 26, in their shared University of Colorado-Colorado Springs dorm room on February 16. According to a probable cause affidavit released on Friday, tensions between Jordan and Knopp escalated over trivial matters, eventually leading to a tragic outcome.
Jordan and Knopp’s tumultuous relationship was marred by complaints of “unsafe living conditions” and smoking in their shared living space, documented in multiple campus police reports since early January. The turning point came during an argument over a bag of trash on January 9, where Jordan allegedly threatened Knopp, stating that he would “kill him” if asked to take out the trash again.
The situation escalated further on the fateful day of February 16, when gunshots rang out in the dorm, prompting one of the victim’s roommates to call 911. Responding officers discovered Knopp and Montgomery with fatal gunshot wounds, with Jordan allegedly fleeing the scene. Subsequent investigations led to the recovery of an AK-47 and a handgun from Jordan’s vehicle, further incriminating him in the double homicide.
Despite protests from Jordan’s brother, Brandon, claiming his innocence, law enforcement and prosecutors stand by their case, pointing to evidence from security cameras and eyewitness testimonies. Jordan now faces charges of two counts of first-degree murder, felony menacing, and committing a crime of violence, with a bail set at $5 million.
As the case unfolds, a status conference is scheduled for March 15, with Jordan’s next court appearance set for March 27. The tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that can arise from unresolved conflicts and the devastating consequences that can follow.