False Claim: A billion people dead since COVID-19 vaccine rollout, fact-check confirms actual toll

Atlanta, Georgia – A video shared on Facebook claims that a billion people worldwide have died since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, but this assertion has been debunked as false. The video from The People’s Voice alleges a significant decline in the global population since the vaccine was introduced, with on-screen text stating “Global population reduced by 1 billion since 2021 − Media Blackout.” The post’s caption reiterates the figure, claiming that “1 billion people around the world are now dead (poisoned) since the rollout of the covid jab.”

However, according to United Nations data and mortality projections, fewer than 260 million people have died globally from all causes since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. The video was posted by a website known for publishing false stories.

Population researcher Patrick Gerland at the U.N. points to U.N. data showing that approximately 60 to 70 million people have died annually from all causes in recent years. Official estimates indicate there have been around 260 million deaths since the COVID-19 vaccines were made available. In addition to this, nearly 7 million deaths from COVID-19 have been reported to the World Health Organization as of Nov. 2.

Previous false claims connecting the COVID-19 vaccines to mass deaths have been debunked, and the vaccines are estimated to have saved millions of lives, with serious adverse reactions being rare according to multiple studies. The People’s Voice, previously known as NewsPunch, has been repeatedly publishing fabricated stories, many of which have been debunked by fact-checkers.

In conclusion, the claim that a billion people have died since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is false, as official estimates show that the actual number of deaths is significantly lower. The spread of misinformation like this poses a threat to public health and underscores the importance of verifying information before sharing it.