Iranian Prisoners Facing Death Sentences Transferred to Solitary Confinement

URMIA, Iran – Five Iranians accused of espionage are facing the death penalty and have been moved to solitary confinement in Urmia Prison, according to reports. The individuals, Mansour Rasouli, Aran Omri, Rahman Parhazou, Vafa Hanareh, and Nasim Namazi, have been subjected to interrogation on charges of espionage and intelligence cooperation with Israel. Rasouli was reportedly seen being interrogated by Mossad agents in a video released last year. Their relocation to solitary confinement occurred shortly after the reported killing of a senior Revolutionary Guards commander, Razi Mousavi, in an attack attributed to Israel in Damascus, Syria.

According to the US-based Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), except for Rasouli, the other detainees were arrested in November 2021 and subsequently transferred to the political ward of Urmia Prison for interrogation. In March of the same year, they were sentenced to death by the Urmia Revolutionary Court for their alleged participation in intelligence cooperation and espionage for the benefit of Israel.

The move to execute the five individuals follows the announcement by the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic regarding the execution of four other detainees on similar charges. Some observers believe the potential execution is in retaliation for the killing of Razi Mousavi, who played a key role in supporting the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards and the survival of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, as well as the consolidation of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The situation highlights the tense relations between Iran and Israel and the harsh consequences faced by those accused of espionage. The detainees’ transfer to solitary confinement raises concerns about their treatment and well-being while awaiting their fate. The geopolitical implications of their potential execution and its impact on Iran-Israel relations remain to be seen.

In summary, the five Iranians facing death sentences on charges of espionage have been transferred to solitary confinement in Urmia Prison. Their alleged participation in intelligence cooperation and espionage for the benefit of Israel has resulted in their sentencing to death by the Urmia Revolutionary Court. The potential execution is seen as a possible retaliation by the Islamic Republic for the killing of a senior Revolutionary Guards commander attributed to Israel.