Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) spoke on the ‘Cats Roundtable’ radio show on Sunday to address the House Oversight Committee allegations that a letter refuting the Hunter Biden laptop tale was misinformation engineered by the Biden campaign.
According to The New York Post, Johnson went on to suggest that the attempt by the 51 intelligence officers who signed the letter did more harm to American elections than any foreign influence from Russia or China could have ever done.
Johnson told listeners they wrote a letter claiming that the laptop bore all the hallmarks of a Russian information campaign. That letter was a public relations campaign. Johnson added that it had considerably more influence on the election than any foreign opponent could have. Johnson also said that this is no longer based on suspicions; it is a fact.
Johnson said they now know that Anthony Blinken, who worked for the Biden campaign, was doing the work of Mike Morell. Of course, Biden repeated that untruth in his debate with Donald Trump a few days later. “It’s sick!” Johnson continued.
The Biden campaign reached out to Michael Morrell, a former Deputy Director of the CIA, on Thursday to orchestrate an infamous letter of 51 intelligence officials claiming the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story from October 2020 was Russian disinformation, as previously reported by the DC Enquirer.
According to a letter from House Judiciary to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Blinken coordinated the Biden campaign with Morrell.
Morrell subsequently testified that Blinken contacted him after the New York Post released an email regarding Hunter connecting Ukrainian business associates to then-Vice President Biden.
This contact occurred “on or before” October 17, 2020, just days after The Washington Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story. A USA Today article was sent from Blinken’s email to Morrell, explaining that the FBI was looking into the report as a possible “disinformation campaign.”
When Blinken contacted Morrell, it “triggered… that intent” for the ex-CIA director to compose the letter, even though he had no intention of organizing such a statement before Blinken approached him.
Morrell then did “a little bit” of his own research before contacting former CIA senior operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos to help compile the letter.
According to Morrell’s sworn testimony, he organized the letter to help Vice President Biden because he wanted Biden to win the election.
The Biden campaign’s deliberate efforts to undermine the Hunter Biden laptop allegation were blatant intervention in the American democratic process, demonstrating that the Democrats will go to any length to win.