The Jews of Israel are going to face their destiny one way or the other leaving “Islamic land” or being covered in Palestinian soil, as per a Palestinian researcher who guaranteed the European Jews who initially emigrated to Israel were “killers” and “rogues” who were an irritation to Britain — which was glad to free them from its general public.
Showing up on Al-Quds Al-Youm (Palestine — Islamic Jihad) TV last Monday, Palestinian scholastic Riyad Abu Ras contended that Britain initially saw itself to be the replacement of the Islamic Caliphate and of the Muslim Caliph who made ready for freeing its Jews by sending them to pre-state Israel, then known as “Palestine.”
Its strategies in Palestine depended on two things: Firstly, this is a land without a group, and the Jews are a group without a land, Abu Ras said. They needed to dispose of the Jews in Europe because the Jews were an irritation there.
They were a lot of killers and connivers and comprised groups of hoodlums, he added. “[The British said:] ‘We will dispose of them through [their] migration to Palestine.'”
Likewise, Abu Ras contended that Britain needed the State of Israel to keep filling in like a blade in the Arab and Islamic country has returned right up to today.
Guaranteeing that the city of Jerusalem can’t be heavily influenced by the Jews, who are outsiders, outsiders who came to us from Europe and South America to settle here, he required the destruction of the state of Jews in Israel.
This province should be destroyed; these Jews… It is an express, a state, a settlement, that should be destroyed, he said. The bits of wood and convenient structures that it was worked from should be destroyed.
At that point, Abu Ras explained that Jews had no bearing in Islamic land because Allah gave a level of sacredness to it.
He said there is a great deal of land in South America and Europe; let them go there.
If they like the Jews so much, let them take them in, he added. In any case, the Jews have no place on this Palestinian land.
The Palestinian scholar likewise cautioned of the unavoidable destiny of the Jews in Israel.
Their destiny is one of two: either to disappear or kick the bucket and be covered in Palestinian soil, he said. There is no third choice.
Europe — who took them here — returns them to Europe, or Palestine will be their memorial park like it was for different occupiers, similar to the Crusaders and the Tatars, he added.
Hostile to Israel and racist teaching — including savage prompting — is a focal element in Palestinian culture. It manifests in its way of life, school system, media, and writing.
Inside Israel, and as of late distributed survey by the Israel Defense and Security Forum (IDSF) found that a stunning 75 percent of Israel’s around 2,000,000 Arab residents accept Jews reserve no privilege to a sovereign state in the place where there is Israel.