Rocket Engine Test-Fire Sparks 40-Acre Brush Fire in Palm Bay

Palm Bay, Florida – An experimental rocket engine test sparked a 40-acre brush fire late Saturday at a location known as The Compound in Palm Bay. The fire, fueled by strong winds and dry conditions, prompted a swift response from up to 30 fire units, including the Florida Division of Forestry. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, and no structures were damaged in the blaze, which was eventually brought under control late Saturday.

According to Assistant Palm Bay Fire Rescue Fire Chief John Ringleb, the fire was accidentally started by a local rocket club attempting to launch a rocket that exploded, setting off the brush fire. Steve Alban, vice president of the Space Coast Rocketry group, clarified that the individuals involved were a group of University of Central Florida students operating independently and not part of any sanctioned club events. They were conducting a “static motor test” that resulted in the fire.

While the formal rocketry group has clearances to operate and carries insurance, the students involved in the incident did not seek assistance or approval from the club for their project. Despite the unplanned nature of the fire, Ringleb emphasized that there was no malicious intent behind the incident.

Fire crews worked diligently to contain the fire, focusing on one spot that spread over approximately an acre, before finally extinguishing the flames and leaving the site early Sunday morning. Firefighters continued to monitor the area for any potential flareups to prevent further spread of the fire.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of following proper protocols and safety measures during any experimental activities, especially those involving potentially hazardous materials like rocket engines. As investigations into the cause of the fire continue, local authorities are emphasizing the need for caution and adherence to regulations to prevent similar incidents in the future.