Serial Killers: US States With the Highest Number of Cases

California leads the United States in total number of documented serial killings, followed closely by states like Texas, Florida, Illinois, and New York. According to the Radford/FGCU 2020 Report, every state in the US has documented at least ten cases of serial killings, indicating a widespread issue across the country.

The high number of serial killings in the US can be attributed to a variety of factors, including historical marginalization of certain communities, which creates an environment of vulnerability for potential victims. Additionally, the diverse backgrounds of serial killers mean that they can often go undetected until their crimes are exposed. Notorious cases such as the “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez, the “Golden State Killer” Joseph James DeAngelo, and the “Zodiac Killer” highlight the diverse range of individuals who have perpetuated these heinous acts.

While California has experienced the highest number of serial killings, other states like Texas, Florida, Illinois, and New York also have their own histories of infamous serial killers. From the “Candy Man” Dean Corll in Texas to the “Sunshine State” killer Ted Bundy in Florida, these individuals left a trail of devastation in their wake, preying on vulnerable victims. Other states like Illinois and New York also have their own share of serial killers, each with their own haunting tales of terror.

The issue of serial killings is not limited to certain states, but rather indicates a broader problem that requires attention and action at a national level. The Radford/FGCU 2020 Report provides a comprehensive look at the extent of this issue and highlights the urgency of addressing the underlying factors contributing to these crimes. It is imperative for law enforcement agencies, communities, and policymakers to work together in identifying and addressing the root causes of serial killings in order to prevent further loss of life.