Start-up CEO Commits Heinous Crime, Killing 4-Year-Old Son

PANAJI, GOA – Doctors have revealed chilling details of the murder of a four-year-old child by the CEO of a start-up. The child was found dead in a service apartment in Goa, with the cause of death determined to be smothering. According to the post-mortem report, there were no signs of struggle on the child’s body. Suchana Seth, the CEO of an artificial intelligence start-up, was arrested in Chitradurga while attempting to transport the child’s body in a suitcase to Bengaluru. It was discovered that the child had been smothered to death using a cloth or pillow, as confirmed by Dr. Kumar Naik, an official at Hiriyur Taluk Hospital.

Dr. Naik also noted that the absence of rigor mortis in the child’s body indicated that the time of death was over 36 hours prior. Further investigations revealed that Seth had killed her child in the apartment, placed the body in a bag, and then attempted to commit suicide. After she checked out of the apartment, the room-cleaning staff discovered blood stains and notified the police. During the police inquiry, Seth initially lied about her child’s whereabouts, leading to her arrest when the provided address was found to be fake.

Suchana Seth is the CEO of ‘The Mindful AI Lab’, with over 12 years of experience in AI ethics and data science. She is listed as one of the “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics” and is an expert in AI Ethics Advisory & Audits and Responsible AI Strategy. Seth holds a postgraduate degree from the University of Calcutta and has been a research fellow at the Raman Research Institute and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

In conclusion, Suchana Seth, a prominent figure in the field of artificial intelligence, has been arrested for the murder of her young child in Goa. The disturbing details of the case continue to emerge as the investigation unfolds.