Tragedy in Burneyville Sparks Push for Domestic Violence Registry and Alert System

BURNEYVILLE, Okla. – The family of a missing woman whose body was found in Burneyville, Oklahoma is working to raise awareness about the dangers of domestic violence. Stephanie Loftin, who was reported missing from Lamar County, Texas, was found deceased on a property in Burneyville after an extensive search.

According to Loftin’s nieces, Ava Fender and Makalya Birtcher, their aunt was known for her outgoing personality and her love for her family. She had recently returned to Texas to meet her 6-week-old grandson, demonstrating her strong bond with her family.

The family revealed that Loftin had ended her relationship with Michael Gonzales, and they believe that it was a domestic violence situation. They stated that she had tried to move away from Gonzales because she was afraid for her life. Gonzales was subsequently arrested in Los Angeles and led authorities to the location of Loftin’s body in Burneyville.

As the family mourns the loss of their loved one, they are determined to use Stephanie’s story to shed light on the prevalence of domestic violence and advocate for change. They are working on proposed legislation in Loftin’s name, hoping to establish a national registry for convicted domestic violence offenders and implement a national alert system for missing victims of domestic violence.

The family’s efforts reflect a broader societal issue, as domestic violence continues to impact families across the country. By sharing Stephanie’s story, they hope to bring attention to the urgency of addressing domestic violence and protecting vulnerable individuals.

As the family continues to grieve, they are committed to transforming their loss into a catalyst for change, creating a lasting impact in Stephanie Loftin’s memory.