Mass- Shooting Survivor Sues California Mushroom Farm Owner for Negligence

Half Moon Bay, California – In a tragic incident at a mushroom farm, Pedro Romero Perez, 24, was the sole survivor of a mass shooting that claimed seven lives, including that of his brother, Jose Romero Perez. The attack occurred on January 23, 2023, at California Terra Garden and Concord Farms.

Pedro Romero Perez, who suffered five gunshot wounds during the attack, is now taking legal action against California Terra Garden and its owner, Xianmin Guan, for alleged negligence. The lawsuit aims to seek compensation for the physical and emotional trauma Perez is enduring, along with the financial losses resulting from his inability to work.

Moreover, another lawsuit has been filed by the same law office on behalf of Jose Romero Perez’s wife, Marciana Rodriguez Roque, seeking justice for the wrongful death of her husband and the father of their four children. The lawsuits shed light on the challenging conditions faced by migrant farmworkers who toil in arduous environments to provide food for society.

The legal representatives of Perez and Roque emphasize the importance of holding employers accountable for their treatment of workers, especially those living in deplorable conditions. They are advocating for a jury trial to address the alleged failures of the farm’s owner in ensuring the safety and well-being of employees in the face of potential violence.

The shooting incident at the mushroom farm in Half Moon Bay revealed a series of prior alarming events, including a previous gun-related incident involving a manager at California Terra Garden. Despite warnings and restraining orders against individuals, there were lapses in addressing the risks posed by certain individuals, leading to tragic consequences.

Following the shooting, investigations by the California Division of Occupational Health and Safety uncovered multiple violations at California Terra Garden and Concord Farms, including the absence of protocols to handle active shooter situations. The legal proceedings underscore the need for greater accountability and protection for vulnerable communities like migrant farmworkers.

As the legal battle unfolds, the attorneys representing the plaintiffs are determined to seek justice and push for improved conditions and treatment of workers in the agricultural sector. The outcome of the lawsuit against California Terra Garden and its owner will not only impact the survivors of the tragic shooting but also set a precedent for ensuring the safety and well-being of all farmworkers in the region.