Spree of Violent Attacks on Orthodox Jews in NJ – Man Pleads Guilty to Hate Crimes

JACKSON TOWNSHIP, New Jersey – Dion Marsh has pleaded guilty to federal hate crimes after a string of violent attacks against Orthodox Jews in Lakewood, New Jersey. In April 2022, Marsh launched a series of assaults against Orthodox Jews in and around Lakewood, a city in central New Jersey known for its Orthodox Jewish community. The U.S. Department of Justice stated that Marsh targeted the victims due to their Jewish identity and traditional attire.

Marsh, 29, admitted to five hate crimes charges and one count of carjacking. The Justice Department revealed that Marsh attempted to kill four victims and physically assaulted a fifth. He now faces the possibility of life in prison. Marsh defended his violent acts by claiming that “Hasidic Jews are the real devils” and that the attacks “had to be done.”

Throughout the day, Marsh used different vehicles to carry out his attacks, including forcing a Jewish man out of his car and assaulting him, as well as ramming a Jewish man with another vehicle, resulting in severe injuries. He then proceeded to attack two more Jewish men in separate incidents before eventually hitting an Orthodox Jewish pedestrian. The FBI and local police collaborated in the investigation, leading to Marsh’s arrest later that night at his home.

The guilty plea comes at a time when the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has reported a surge in anti-Semitic incidents nationwide. The ADL documented 408 anti-Semitic incidents in New Jersey in 2022, including nine assaults. These troubling statistics underscore the concerning rise in anti-Semitism following the Israel-Hamas war outbreak. U.S. Attorney Philip R. Selinger emphasized that hate-fueled violence remains a sad reality both in New Jersey and across the nation.

Marsh’s case serves as a reminder of the persistent threat posed by hate crimes and the importance of addressing and combatting anti-Semitic violence. The guilty plea sends a powerful message that such acts of hatred and violence will not be tolerated. As the case progresses, it highlights the need for continued vigilance and efforts to combat anti-Semitism in all its forms.