Threatened Joey Barton vowing to silence Gary Neville after sexist slur row

BRISTOL, England – Former English soccer player Joey Barton ignited controversy with his recent sexist remarks against female pundits, resulting in a threat toward Gary Neville after he denounced Barton’s comments. This comes after Barton made disparaging comments about female soccer pundits, claiming they are not qualified to analyze men’s soccer. Neville backed these remarks … Read more

Joey Barton Slammed for Comparing Female Pundits to Fred and Rose West

Liverpool, England – Former footballer Joey Barton sparked outrage with his misogynistic comments comparing two female football pundits to notorious serial killers Fred and Rosemary West. His comments have been condemned for their contemptible nature and have elicited widespread criticism on social media. Barton’s attack targeted Eniola Aluko and Lucy Ward, who were providing commentary … Read more