Washington’s Fatal Illness: Modern Experts Reveal Likely Culprit for Former President’s Sudden Death

On December 14, 1799, George Washington passed away in his home in Mount Vernon, Virginia. The famed former President died after a brief illness during which he lost around 40 percent of his blood. The mysterious cause of his death has long puzzled medical experts, with modern researchers proposing various potential reasons for his sudden … Read more

Bacterial Infection Claims 35 Elephants in Zimbabwe, Scientists Reveal Culprit

In Harare, Zimbabwe, a modern reimagining of the classic detective series “Columbo” has sparked intrigue among viewers, while real-world scientists have cracked a cold case involving the deaths of 35 elephants in the country. The new series, “Poker Face,” features a casino worker turned fugitive with the ability to detect lies, solving mysteries while on … Read more