“Detective Forst” Netflix series: Commissioner Investigates Serial Killer in Tatra Mountains

Zakopane, Poland – In the Netflix series “Detective Forst,” viewers are taken on a journey to the chilly Tatra Mountains of Poland, where a scarred commissioner investigates a serial killer. The central character, Detective Forst, brings his unconventional methods to the Zakopane PD, much to the chagrin of his colleagues. Based on books by popular … Read more

Netflix’s Detective Forst Series Unveils a Twisted World of Serial Killers in the Polish Highlands

Zakopane, Poland – A six-episode series on Netflix, “Detective Forst,” features a commissioner investigating a serial killer loose in the Tatra Mountains. The commissioner, Detective Forst, played by Borys Szyc, comes to the police department in Zakopane from Kraków, where his past actions get him banished to this remote posting. The show, directed by Daniel … Read more