Inspector General Finds Serious Failures in LMPD Detective Work in Mary Spalding Case

Louisville, Ky. – Mary Spalding, a 72-year-old woman, was the victim of a violent attack in her own home on December 17, 2018. As she was preparing for work, she was ambushed in her basement by an assailant hidden in the shadows, who struck her over the head with a metal object. Disoriented and injured, … Read more

Inspector John Franklin Barnes Fires Shots at Armed Robber in Des Voeux-road Central, Testifies in Trial: 1963 South China Morning Post Report

HONG KONG, China – In a dramatic turn of events, Inspector John Franklin Barnes testified in a criminal trial about a confrontation with an armed robber in Des Voeux-road Central on January 2, as reported by the South China Morning Post on March 27, 1963. The inspector fired multiple shots at the armed robber, who … Read more