Schizophrenic Man Sentenced After Violent Attack on Garda in Courthouse Incident

Castlebar, Ireland – A court in Ireland has sentenced a 38-year-old man to 20 months in prison following a violent altercation wherein he attacked a police officer by ripping a clump of her hair from her scalp. The individual, identified as Domhnall Cosgrave of Leitrim, is set to be released in about three weeks due … Read more

Schizophrenic Ohio Man Sentenced to 11 Years for Stabbing Mother to Death

Cincinnati, Ohio – T’ontae Farley, a 26-year-old man from Ohio suffering from schizophrenia, has been sentenced to more than a decade in prison for the involuntary manslaughter of his mother. This comes after he admitted to stabbing his mother to death and then asking a police officer for a hug. The incident took place in … Read more