Violent Attack Near Market Square Leaves Victim Bruised and Unconscious – Suspect Wanted for Aggravated Assault

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania – A disturbing incident unfolded near Pittsburgh’s Market Square, where a violent attack was captured on video last week. The footage depicted multiple individuals assaulting a man on the pavement, with David Rivera allegedly kicking the victim in the face, leading to a warrant for his arrest on charges of aggravated assault.

Upon viewing the video, witnesses in Market Square expressed disgust at the brutality displayed in the assault. This comes in the wake of a similar incident last month involving an elderly man being randomly attacked while smoking downtown. The recent victim in Market Square was left with bruises and a swollen face following the attack.

Authorities are actively seeking to identify other individuals involved in the assault shown in the video. Reports indicate that the homeless victim did not provoke the attack, shedding light on the senseless and unprovoked violence that occurred in a public space near downtown Pittsburgh.

During the attack, a shirtless assailant was seen repeatedly punching the victim as he lay defenseless on the ground. Despite surviving the beating, the victim was found unconscious and required medical attention at a nearby hospital for his injuries. The severity of the assault has raised concerns among residents and law enforcement about the safety of public spaces in the city.

This latest incident adds to a growing trend of random and violent attacks in Pittsburgh, underscoring the need for increased vigilance and measures to ensure the well-being and security of individuals in public areas. As authorities work to apprehend those responsible for the assault, the community is left shaken by the disturbing footage that has circulated online, prompting calls for justice and accountability.