Arrested: Pro-Israel Protester Charged in Violent Assault at UCLA Campus

Los Angeles, CA – A pro-Israel protester was arrested by UCLA police on May 23 for his involvement in a violent assault against a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus. The 18-year-old suspect, Edan On, faces charges of felony assault with a deadly weapon and was released on $30,000 bail. Notably, On is not a UCLA student, … Read more

Pardon: Ex-Army Sergeant Released After Killing BLM Protester in Austin

AUSTIN, TEXAS – In a swift turn of events, former Army sergeant Daniel Perry, convicted of killing a Black Lives Matter protester in downtown Austin in 2020, was granted a full pardon by Texas Governor Greg Abbott. The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommended Perry’s pardon on the murder conviction, leading to his immediate … Read more

Pardon Granted to US Army Sergeant Who Fatally Shot BLM Protester in Austin

Austin, Texas – Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently granted a full pardon to Daniel Perry, a former US Army sergeant and Uber driver who was serving a 25-year sentence for shooting and killing a Black Lives Matter protester in 2020. Perry’s case had sparked controversy and debate surrounding self-defense laws in the state, particularly the … Read more

Abbott Pardons Ex-Army Sergeant Convicted of Killing BLM Protester in Texas

Austin, Texas – Texas Governor Greg Abbott made headlines on Thursday by granting a pardon to Daniel Perry, a former Army sergeant who was previously convicted of killing a Black Lives Matter protester in Austin in 2020. This decision came shortly after the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles unanimously recommended pardoning Perry and restoring … Read more

Peru Amnesty International Report: Call for Investigation into State-Ordered Protester Deaths

Lima, Peru – Amnesty International has called for a thorough investigation into the 49 deaths that occurred during protests in Peru from December to February. The organization highlighted the need to scrutinize those at the highest levels who ordered or allowed the use of lethal force by security forces. According to Agnès Callamard, Secretary General … Read more

Iranian Protester Dies Under Suspicious Circumstances in Northern Iran

An Iranian protester named Javad Rouhi, 31, died under suspicious circumstances on August 31, 2023, in northern Iran, causing concern about his treatment, according to Human Rights Watch. He had been tortured following his arrest during the widespread protests that erupted in Iran in September 2022 and was convicted two months later after an unfair … Read more