Liverpool, England – The ECHO launched a compelling new series last year, focusing on unsolved serious crimes in Merseyside. The bi-weekly series, released every other Thursday at 7pm, delves into some of the most devastating incidents to hit the region with the aim of re-examining these cases in hopes of bringing justice to the victims’ families. By revisiting the original reports and examining public response, the ECHO hopes to encourage individuals with information to come forward.
The inaugural instalment of the series highlighted the case of Colin Hughes, a popular chef who was fatally stabbed outside his home in 2010. The ECHO spoke with his partner Paula Greenwood, shedding light on the impact of the tragic event and the ongoing targeting of Ms. Greenwood’s home. Her plea to the community for closure was both emotional and compelling.
Subsequent segments of the series brought attention to other unsolved cases, including the brutal execution of Leroy Ottey on his front doorstep in 2018. The ECHO also explored historic events, such as the unsolved shooting of James Gibson and the tragic death of Roland Carmagnole, beaten to death in 1987.
As the series continues, the ECHO aims to delve into a wider range of unsolved crimes in Merseyside, all in pursuit of justice for the victims and their families who have long awaited closure. Readers are also encouraged to reach out to ECHO reporter Patrick Edrich with any relevant stories to share.