Inspector John Franklin Barnes Fires Shots at Armed Robber in Des Voeux-road Central, Testifies in Trial: 1963 South China Morning Post Report

HONG KONG, China – In a dramatic turn of events, Inspector John Franklin Barnes testified in a criminal trial about a confrontation with an armed robber in Des Voeux-road Central on January 2, as reported by the South China Morning Post on March 27, 1963. The inspector fired multiple shots at the armed robber, who … Read more

China Sentences Ex-Vice Chairman of Banking Regulator to Death with Two-Year Reprieve Sends Shockwaves through Financial World

Beijing, China. The former vice chairman of China’s banking regulator has been sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for accepting bribes. The court’s decision comes as part of a wide-ranging anti-corruption campaign in the country. This sentencing highlights the Chinese government’s efforts to crack down on corruption within its financial industry. The ex-vice chairman … Read more

Corruption in Banking: Former China Regulatory Vice Chairman Sentenced to Death for $80 Million Bribery Scandal

Zhenjiang, Jiangsu – Cai Esheng, a former vice chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), has been sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for accepting over 517 million yuan ($80 million in 2021) in bribes and abusing his power. The court in Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu province, announced the sentence on Friday. If Cai … Read more

GOP calls for action on Taiwan’s F-16 delivery delay

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A group of 23 Republican lawmakers, led by Rep. Robert Wittman (R-Va.), vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, have urged the Pentagon to address the prolonged delay in the delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Taiwan. This comes amidst escalating military hostility from China towards the island nation. According to … Read more

Comer Reveals Concerning Information: Is There a Potential Secret Agenda Within the Department of Justice

In a stunning revelation, Congressman James Comer has raised alarming questions about the Department of Justice’s practices, suggesting the existence of a hidden hit list. Comer’s remarks came during a recent discussion where he expressed his astonishment at the swift actions taken by the Department of Justice against specific individuals. The congressman’s claims have ignited … Read more

China’s Hardline Stance Leaves Blinken Floundering, Biden’s Plea for Military Communication Falls on Deaf Ears

During a meeting between Chinese officials and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the Biden administration requested the restoration of direct military communication between China and the United States. Unfortunately, the Chinese President rejected this high-priority request. Despite Blinken’s urging, the Chinese officials refused to reinstate the severed connection. This is not the first time China … Read more

Unmasking the Dark Side of Tech Giants: Their Alarming Role in China’s AI Regime!

In a recent Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing, Geoffrey Cain, a senior fellow at the Foundation for American Innovation, emphasized the urgent need to hold U.S. companies accountable for their involvement in providing China with artificial intelligence (AI) technology that enables the violation of human rights. Cain highlighted how AI is fueling China’s “surveillance state.” He … Read more

White House Cover-Up: China’s Sinister Spy Operations Unveiled

The White House has reversed its position and acknowledged that China had operated a secret spy base in Cuba for several years. The Biden administration is obviously blaming the Trump administration for the situation. A senior official from the Biden administration confirmed that the U.S. intelligence community has been aware of Chinese spying activities from … Read more

Biden’s World Bank Pick: Controversial Ties to Chinese Company 

The individual President Joe Biden has chosen to head the World Bank has ties to the Chinese business community.

Ajay Banga is presently the vice chairman of General Atlantic, one of ByteDance’s most influential investors. ByteDance, a Chinese firm, owns TikTok, and the app’s close ties to the Chinese Communist Party have raised security worries.