Judge Highlights Cannabis Dangers as York Man Jailed for Violent Bottle Attack on Stranger

York, England – A local man has been sentenced to incarceration after a violent assault in which he struck a pedestrian with a glass bottle, triggering warnings from the judiciary about the perilous impacts of powerful cannabis strains on mental health. On a seemingly peaceful afternoon in January, Luke Fletcher, known for his high consumption … Read more

Judge Denies Public Access to Nashville School Shooter’s Writings

Nashville, TN — In a courtroom ruling that underscores challenging tensions between public disclosure and individual privacy, a Tennessee judge has decided against releasing the writings of the individual responsible for the tragic school shooting in Nashville. The decision came amid heightened public curiosity and significant media attention regarding the inner thoughts and motives that … Read more

Families Win Privacy Battle: Judge Bars Release of Nashville School Shooter’s Writings to Prevent Copycat Crimes

Nashville, Tenn. – A Tennessee judge has ruled that the personal writings of an individual who carried out a deadly shooting at Nashville’s Covenant School cannot be made public, siding with victims’ families who argued that releasing the documents could spur similar attacks. The ruling, issued late Thursday, applied a novel legal argument that the … Read more

Judge Bars Release of Nashville School Shooter’s Writings, Citing Copyright Held by Victims’ Families

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A Tennessee judge recently decided that the personal writings of the individual responsible for the tragic shooting at a Nashville Christian elementary school will remain sealed from the public. This ruling, made by Chancery Court Judge I’Ashea Myles, asserts that the writings, which include journals and other expressive content, fall under copyright … Read more

Atlanta Mall Parking Dispute Ends in Life Sentence: Judge Rules Shooting an ‘Execution’

ATLANTA — A Fulton County judge sentenced a man to life without the possibility of parole for a murder stemming from a parking space dispute at Atlanta’s Lenox Square. The 2020 incident, which the judge described as an “execution,” involved Ricky LaFargue, who fatally shot Thuan Nguyen in the mall’s parking lot. The sentence handed … Read more

Judge Orders Arizona Brothers Charged in San Jose Police Vehicle Attack to Be Placed in South Bay Treatment Center

San Jose, CA — Two Arizona men implicated in a violent incident involving a police vehicle after a sideshow event near Santana Row have been granted conditional release from jail. The individuals, identified as Gabe Durbin, 26, and Tyler Durbin, 22, will be transferred to a treatment facility in the South Bay area as their … Read more

Judge Cites Historic Traumas in Sentencing Indigenous Man to House Arrest Over Violent Assault

VERNON, British Columbia — A local Indigenous man, Kenneth Allan Leo, with an extensive criminal history, was spared jail time and instead sentenced to house arrest, despite a violent incident that left a victim seriously injured. This decision, handed down on June 5 by Provincial Court of BC Judge David Patterson, factored in the broader … Read more

Judge Orders Conservative Media Outlet to Court Over Leaked Documents Involving Nashville School Shooting

Nashville, Tennessee – A conservative media organization is facing legal action after publishing details from leaked documents related to a 2023 school shooting in Nashville. Judge I’Ashea Myles has scheduled a hearing for Star News Digital Media and editor-in-chief Michael Leahy to address concerns over the alleged violation of court orders. The organization is also … Read more

Trial for Santa Fe Shooting Civil Lawsuit Delayed by Galveston County Judge

Santa Fe, Texas – A civil lawsuit against the parents of the accused gunman responsible for the tragic shooting at Santa Fe High School has faced a trial delay, according to a Galveston County judge. The lawsuit, filed by survivors and family members of the victims, alleges that the parents did not properly secure their … Read more

Verdict: Judge Rules Deaths of Reading Terror Attack Victims ‘Probably Avoidable’ Due to Failings of Agencies

Reading, England – The deaths of James Furlong, Dr. David Wails, and Joseph Ritchie-Bennett in a terror attack carried out by Khairi Saadallah were ruled as “probably avoidable” due to the failings of multiple agencies, according to Judge Coroner Sir Adrian Fulford at the Old Bailey. Saadallah fatally stabbed the three victims in Forbury Gardens … Read more